I am waaaaay behind ---- yet again, but I very much want to document a normal day (I'm often told how much I will miss these days--and I'm sure I will).
Today started at 437am -- my alarm went off to work out, BUT I did not go:(( I know I'm a loser. My excuse is that we SHARE our bedroom with Camille and she has decided to get all her teeth at once. Poor baby!! The thing is...I just signed up and PAID to work out 3x a week, so now I must go the next 3 days IN A ROW. If I survive this, I'm going to reward myself with some cake:))))
So I actually got up at 647ish....and our morning was a whirlwind as usual. J up and doing everything BUT what he was supposed to be and K not wanting to budge out of bed (I had to get a cup of water to threaten him with this morn)! Millie was in a great mood! (Why do teeth not bother babies in the day time?!?!)
750 and the boys and I were in the car to make it to school by 8. (Krys takes Millie ---- THANK GOODNESS!!)
The boys and I roll into the parking lot just in time. I realized I got the boys lunches but forgot mine... and a meeting during plan time, so I ended up with cheese nachos...not too bad.
The days in Kindergarten at this time of the year are very trying. We have A LOT of fun things going, but I think we are all just tired. I actually told a student...a 5 year old little kiddo who is not so very sweet most of the time...to sit his butt down in a chair. Yep I said BUTT --- not BUT --- but the one they all gasp at. It worked tho----eeeekkk! I am usually very patient, but I think today they/he got the best of me. (Exactly ONE month from today is our last day!)
345pm-I'm back in my classroom to clean up some of the mess. My boys are all over the place. Keegan has locked himself outside without his shoes.
400pm-We leave to get Millie. An hour round trip, but we have gotten used to it.
500pm-Back in our neck of the woods and we go to Whataburger for dinner. I know --- all star mom right here!
After dinner the kids and I run to walmart together (we need diapers, nothing else would have really been worth it) and then to K's bball practice at 6. I run around with Millie in the parking lot trying to entertain her:)
700pm-We have to leave early because J has a bball game. He changes in the car (yes I packed allll his things and my car is our current closet of ALLLL things).
730pm-They start the game early and just in time for a downpour!! Keegan, Millie and I squeeze under the bleachers and luckily it does not last long. (I now look like a wet cat:-/)
Once back out from the bleachers, K "accidentally" tosses his ball over the fence -- they have to call time...AND then, I lose him bc he is playing in the field. I'm really not sure how I have kept Keegan alive for 6 years:-/
Krys arrives shortly after and Millie and K and I head home. There is an accident closing down the entire highway and we have to go all the way around. It is now after 9. We get into more rain and then we have to park far away from our lovely apartment. With MULTIPLE bags and children in tow--we finally make it in the door. Whew!
Bath, Bed and Laundry -- another bball game tomorrow for J.
(next season I'm getting more than one uniform!)
So that's it -- it is 1107pm now and I am ready for bed. Please forgive all typos and don't think for one minute I'm complaining about my life. I realize all the blessings I have and how quickly I can lose them. I know these busy days are creating lots of memories for us and I know that I will actually miss them.
Till next time... :))))