Saturday, September 7, 2013

1st Texas Ranger Baseball Game :))

This year for Joshua's birthday Krys and I got him Tx Ranger baseball tickets for just the 3 of us.  He had never been to the ballpark and he was super excited to go!!!
I had not been here in FOREVER!!  {like MY childhood!}
It was so much fun to get out with just our BDAY boy {it never happens:))}  And K was soooo excited to spend the afternoon with Uncle Bubba and Christie:)))
EXCITIED boy!!!!
AND S H A D Y seats I might add.  I was SOOOO thankful!!!!
GranJan had bought J a new Ranger hat for his bday,
and he got another new one at the game---Spoiled boy!
We had so much FUN just relaxing in the shade and watching the game.  The Rangers did not win, but we had a great time!!
Cannot wait to go back!!!  Maybe next year K will be able to join us too:)))
LOVE LOVE LOVE my family!!